Sytze Steenstra

- books, essays
- research
- editing, translating
- lectures, workshops
- art projects


Josh Moll

- coaching



Dutch version


news blog































all-round — fascinated by exchange — dedicated

Sytze Steenstra   > > >  philosopher, essayist, translator (English-Dutch, German-Dutch, French-Dutch); lectures, workshops, translations, art writer, curator. 
Sytze is a laureate of the Jan van Eyck Academy (post-graduate studies, art theory), a PhD in philosophy and a degree in sociology. He has worked as a high school teacher in philosophy, as an assistant professor in philosophy at the University of Amsterdam and the Open University of the Netherlands, and as an assistant professor of cultural studies at Maastricht University. Also as a museum guide, office cleaner, editorial assistant, night guard, guitar teacher. He also enjoys drawing, video montage, good food and studio visits.

06-28072072 / 043-3540765; sytzesteenstra@mixed-media.info

Josh Moll        > > >         coach, systems engineer, fine artist; since 2011 Josh only works as coach.
Josh has been working as a coach since 2000. She got her post-academic degree in coaching from the Alba-Academy. In the past, she held positions as a teacher in information analysis, and as a teacher of computer skills in an art school. She has worked as adviser in process management, web designer, artist (fine art), widwife for cows, nurse, and as building superintendent and team leader in an addiction clinic. She knows how to laugh at the expression “Jack of all trades, master of none” and holds degrees in systems andgineering and in fine art to back her up.

06-42466116 / 043-3540765; joshmoll@mixed-media.info

blog Mixed Media:        http://mixedmediainfo.wordpress.com/ (Dutch / English)
blog Sytze Steenstra:    http://sytzesteenstra.wordpress.com/ (mostly Dutch; you may want to try ‘Google Translate’)

impressie Josh en Sytze